Junior Class Council
Name of Club/Activity
Junior Class Council
The Junior Class Council is responsible for all class activities including the Homecoming Dance and Powder Puff Game. The council also organizes service projects so that the juniors can “give back” to the school and community. The class cabinet runs the Class Council, but all juniors are encouraged to participate.
Every October, we plan the Homecoming Powder Puff Game and Homecoming Dance. Throughout the year, we may plan other activities that benefit our community as well as some fundraising activities.
Time Commitment
The Junior Class meets twice a month during Monarch Morning or after school. Sub committees may meet for additional time. On the day of the Powder Puff game, we are responsible for selling tickets, taking tickets at the door, organizing and monitoring the game activities, and cleaning up afterwards. For the Homecoming game, we are responsible for assisting during the half time activities in regards to the Homecoming Court. On the day of the dance, we are responsible for decorating for the dance, taking tickets at the door, photography, and cleaning up after the dance. For the rest of the year, fundraising activities and service projects times vary.
How to Sign Up
We begin with an informational meeting the first or second week of school. If you miss that meeting, email the sponsor. Any Junior may participate. Juniors interested in a place on the cabinet, ie. Class President, Vice President, etc., ,must fill out an application. You can get an application from the sponsor.
Jackie Vames