Spanish Club
Name of Club/Activity
Spanish Club
To enable students to learn about Spanish culture, language and history. The purpose is to encourage the native speakers to keep their culture and encourage non-native to love the Spanish language and culture by introducing them to the food, art and entertainment.
A few examples of the Spanish club highlights are; In school movie night, Heritage night; in where students volunteer to serve MBK’s students and families during the program, organize the Flag Ceremony, serve teachers during teacher’s appreciation week, students help students during the meeting and collect toys for Operation Christmas child.
Time Commitment
We meet once a month during pride time, however, meeting time will vary when we are preparing for important events, such as; Heritage night and flag ceremony.
How to Sign Up
Our club QR code are posted along the language halls, you can ask your language teachers or you can sign up by using this link:
Georgina Street